Dues Payments Through PayPal

Annual membership payments and contributions to BHHA can be made via PayPal. Simply follow this link:


Membership in BHHA is open to homeowners who reside in Brentwood Hills, the neighborhood covering the western ridge of Mandeville Canyon. The area open to BHHA membership is roughly defined as Westridge Road above the 1900 block, as well as Bayliss, Pesquera, La Condesa, Cordelia, Arbutus, Banyan and their subsidiary streets, which include Westridge Terrace, Eric Place, Queensferry, Cheryl Place, Jeffersonia, and Raywood.  Please contact us if you are unsure of your eligibility.


BHHA relies on your contribution in order to maintain our programs (see below for details). Dues are only $100 per household ($200+ for those willing to contribute more) to help fund these valuable initiatives. These annual dues coincide with our annual meeting, fundraising and party in October of each year, so the fiscal year for dues purposes is October 1 through September 30.  This year the flyer mailing will include a dues envelope reflecting the new rate, fiscal year clarification, and summary of our accomplishments, including a community survey and vote on directors.  Please reply as soon as you can with your survey, votes and dues.


To become a member, please send a check for $100 or $200 if you can made out to BHHA along with your name and address (e-mail and phone are optional, but appreciated).

All member information is strictly confidential.


 BHHA Membership

P.O. Box 49495

Los Angeles, CA 90049



“Why should I join BHHA?

Membership in BHHA allows you to vote or run for the board of directors, attend board meetings, and participate in preserving the quality and enhancing the safety of our neighborhood.

BHHA has been instrumental in protecting Sullivan Canyon and the Santa Monica Mountains parkland to the north and west of our neighborhood, including the public acquisition of the Westridge-Canyonback Wilderness Park at the end of Westridge. We are committed to protecting and preserving the open space that surrounds our community, and ensuring public access to the extensive trail system through the Santa Monica Mountains.

BHHA keeps our community informed through email notices (join our communityupdate list here), this website, and our annual block party. We also undertake initiatives to help preserve the community’s quality of life. Here are some of the specific things we’ve done over just the past year  :

  • Worked closely with the LAFD, LAPD, Councilmember Mike Bonin’s office, and our neighboring homeowners associations UMCA and MCA, to organize the May 18, 2014 Fire Evacuation Drill to educate our community on wildfire safety and provide critical training to enhance community safety in the event of a wildfire in the Santa Monica Mountains. For more info on accomplishments and ongoing issues and projects go to Initiatives.



Brentwood-Hills Homeowners Membership Boundaries

as established over 30 years ago.